Projekt Wind of change


Názov projektu: Wind of change

Dátum podujatia: 9. - 11.6.2023

Partnerské obce: Šitbořice (CZ), Petronell Carnuntum (Rakúsko)

wind of change

event description sheet (96.05 kB)

event description sheetevent description sheetevent description sheetevent description sheet

Názory od občanov/ citizens opinion

,,Veľmi príjemné podujatie,, Petra, Biely Kostol

"A very pleasant event." Petra, Biely Kostol


,, Bolo to pre mňa prínosné vzhľadom na informácie ohľadom EÚ a jej prínosov " Jozef, Biely Kostol

"This has been beneficial to me in terms of information about the EU and its benefits." Jozef, Biely Kostol


"I'm very glad that such an event has taken place and that I was able to attend" Clause, Petronell Carnuntum

wind of change

wind of changewind of change

wind of changewind of change

wind of changewind of changewind of change

wind of change

wind of changewind of changewind of changewind of changewind of changewind of changewind of change

wind of changewind of changewind of change

wind of change

wind of changewind of changewind of change

wind of change

wind of changewind of changewind of change

wind of change

Viac fotografií z podujatia nájdete v galérii

wind of change

wind of change


wine tasting




Pozvánka na akciu - krátke video


SK plagát projekt

CZ plagát projekt 

Austria plagát projekt (2.15 MB)